Selasa, 10 November 2009


Gerund adalah kata benda (noun) yang dibentuk dari kata kerja dasar (infinitive) dengan tambahan akhiran –ing (-ing form). Sebagai kata benda, gerund dapat digunakan sebagai subjek dan objek, sesuai dengan kedudukan yang bisa ditempati oleh noun (kata benda). Di samping itu, gerund bisa didahului oleh artikel a, an, the ; bentuk milik (possessive adjective): my, your, his, her, their, dsb; dan diikuti objek, misal : beating a snake, writing a letter.
Gerund adalah kata kerja yang dibendakan, dengan kata lain gerund adalah kata kerja yang berfungsi sebagai kata benda (noun).
Penggunaan Gerund
Karena gerund adalah kata kerja yang dibendakan, gerund dapat digunakan sebagai berikut:
1. Sebagai subjek kalimat (as a subject of a sentences)
Running in the morning is good for health.
Berlari pada waktu pagi hari baik untuk kesehatan.

Playing golf is an expensive sports and it’s for certain people.
Bermain golf adalah olahraga mahal dan itu untuk orang-orang tertentu.

Collecting stamps is one of my sister’s hobbies.
Mengumpulkan perangko adalah salah satu hobi adik.

2. Sebagai pelengkap kalimat (as a complement of a sentence)
One of her hobbies is collecting foreign stamps.
Salah satu hobinya adalah mengumpulkan perangko luar negeri.

My mother’s profession is teaching English.
Profesi ibu saya adalah mengajar Bahasa Inggris.

3. Sebagai objek kalimat (as an object of a sentence)
I like reading foreign magazine.
Saya suka membaca majalah luar negeri.

My friend’s father likes hunting wild animals in the forest.
Ayah teman saya suka berburu binatang buas di hutan.

My mother dislikes keeping pet animals.
Ibu saya tidak suka memelihara binatang piaraan.

4. Sesudah possessive adjective (my, your, his, her, our, dan their)

Your living will make them sad.
Kepergianmu akan membuat mereka sedih.

His coming won’t make his mother happy.
Kedatangannya tidak akan membuat ibunya bahagia.

Our next meeting will be held early next month.
Pertemuan kita berikutnya akan diadakan pada awal bulan depan.

His agreeing to lend me some money was really a surprise.
Persetujuannya meminjamkan saya sejumlah uang betul-betul suatu kejutan.

5. Sesudah kata go, kata kerja yang menunjukkan suatu kegiatan olehraga atau yang bersifat rekreasi selalu diikuti gerund (go + gerund)
(a) Did you go shopping?
(b) We want fishing yesterday. Go is followed by a gerund in certain idiomatic expressions to
express, for the most part, recreational activities.


go birdwatching go dancing go running go sledding
go boating go fishing go sailing go swimming
go bowling go hiking go shopping go tobogganing
go camping go hunting go skating go window shopping
go canoing go jogging go skiing

Mother usually goes to shop for our daily need at the end of the month.
Mother usually goes shopping for our daily need at the end of the month.

We always go to camp once a year.
We always go camping once a year.

Does he always go to swim every week-end?
Does he always go swimming every week-end?

6. Sesudah kata-kata kerja tertentu (after certain verbs)
Kata kerja yang harus diikuti gerund sebagai berikut:
Delay Excuse Admit
Resent Suggest Avoid
Prevent Fancy Consider
Complete Consider Discuss
Risk Imagine Involve
Stop Postpone Keep (=continue)
Dread Enjoy Mind (=object)
Deny Forgive Resist
Recollect Pardon Save
Finish Deter Understand
He admitted to kill his friend’s son
He admitted killing his friend’s son.
Dia mengakui membunuh putra temannya.

She has completed to write her thesis.
She has completed writing her thesis.
Dia sudah selesai menulis tesisnya.

I am considering to go abroad with him next month.
I am considering going abroad with him next month.
Saya sedang mempertimbangkan untuk pergi ke luar negeri dengannya bulan depan.
He has stopped smoking.
Dia sudah berhenti merokok.
He stopped to buy something.
Dia berhenti untuk membeli sesuatu.

7. Sebagai objek dari sebuah preposisi (Gerund As The Object Of Preposition)
He was afraid of seeing his superior because he had made so many mistakes.
Dia takut menemui atasannya karena dia sudah membuat banyak kesalahan.

He succeeded in getting a job because he has work experience.
Dia berhasil mendapat pekerjaan karena dia mempunyai pengalaman kerja.

He gave up working here because he had got a better job.
Dia berhenti bekerja di sini karena dia sudah mendapatkan pekerjaan yang lebih baik.

He was accused of stealing his friend’s money.
Dia dituduh mencuri uang temannya.

Contoh Lain:
We talked about going to Hollywood for our vacation.
Budi is in charge of organizing the meeting.
(a) We talked about going to Canada for our
(b) Sue is in charge of organizing the meeting
(c) I’m interested in learning more about your
Work A Gerund is frequently used as the object of a preposition
(d) I’m used to sleeping with the window open
(e) I’m accustomed to sleeping with the window
(f) I look forward to going home next month
(g) They object to changing their plans at this
late date In (d) through (g): to is a preposition, not part of an infinitive form, so a gerund follows

(h) We talked about not going to the meeting,
but finally decided we should go. Negative from : not precedes a gerund
I am interested in learning sociology.

8. Following verb of sense
Mr. Finch saw tourist entering his garden.
Tuan Finch melihat turis masuk ke kebunnya.

Daftar Pustaka

Buku BTA SMU 8 Teori dan Soal Bahasa Inggris (Penuntun SPMB 2005)

Schrampfer, Betty, Understanding and Using English Grammar

Mufarichah, Yulia dan Zumahsin, 2005. Progress. Jakarta : Ganeca Exact

Cyssco, Dhanny R, 2005, Intisari Tata Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA, Jakarta: Kawan Pustaka

Bahasa Inggris SD Lanjutan

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